We believe in being transparent about the safety and quality of the care we provide.


At Northwestern Medical Center, our patients are always our highest priority. We are committed to delivering safe, high-quality care and openly encourage the reporting of any patient safety concerns from staff, patients and visitors.

We are focusing on three key quality initiatives, following our Quality Plan and established best practices for hospitals. When we all work together, we can achieve the best possible patient outcomes. Here, you will find information on these three areas which are common touchpoints for hospitals across the country. We invite you to read more about how we are measuring our progress and continually improving in these areas.


Empowering our patients through
safety data.

With data in hand, patients are better able to advocate for their health and make informed decisions.



Helping our patients understand safety measures and data.

Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns about what Northwestern Medical Center is doing to keep patients safe. It is important that we all work together to prevent infections and attain the best possible health outcomes.