Conference Center Use
NMC makes its Conference Center available at no cost to the public, with some restrictions. These guidelines help ensure the Conference Rooms are available for hospital business during the work day and for scheduled evening use. The Conference Center features four conference rooms with the following features:
- The Green Mountain Room: Fits 50 people, contains chairs and moveable table with a podium.
- The Franklin Room: Fits 10-12 people, contains chairs and moveable tables.
- The Grand Isle Room: Fits 8 people, contains chairs and a single table.
- The Maple Room: Currently out of Service
Important Note: NMC maintains the right to cancel your meeting on short notice if urgent hospital business requires it. Priority will be given to meetings that align with NMC’s mission of exceptional care for our community. NMC also has the full discretion to refuse a booking.
Conference Room Availability
NMC’s Conference Rooms are available for public use on the weekends, as well as on Friday evenings. Day time and week night times are reserved for NMC use.
Community meetings that involve NMC can be booked during weekdays.
Guidelines for Room Use
We ask users of our Conference Center to be self-sufficient and respectful of the spaces. Conference Center users should follow all NMC rules including adhering to our smoke-and-vape-free campus policy. Here are some other guidelines:
- Groups using NMC’s Conference Rooms are welcome to bring in food or non-alcoholic beverages.
- If there is a spill, mess or bathroom issue, Conference Center users should use the room phone to dial 0 and inform NMC’s operator of the issue.
- To use a caterer in the Conference Center, the caterer will need an orientation to the space by NMC before the event.
- Rooms must be returned to the original set up if any furniture is moved.
- NMC cannot provide information technology or audio-visual services or support in the conference rooms.
- NMC is not responsible for items left behind to include food or personal belongings.
- Onsite storage for meetings/events is not available.
Booking a Room
Use this online form to request the use of a room in our Conference Center. If a room that fits your needs is available, we will book it for you and you will receive an emailed notice of the booking. If we do not have a room available we will contact you directly to let you know.
Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.