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Act 167 Community Meeting Invitation

Are you concerned about the future of local healthcare? The sustainability of access to services here in our community? The increasing cost of health insurance as Vermont’s population ages and requires more medical care? We need your voice. 

Please attend the upcoming Community Meeting, hosted by a consultant to the Green Mountain Care Board, on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at St. Albans City Hall.  

The materials for the event explain, “Dr. Bruce Hamory, an expert in health system transformation, will facilitate a discussion on options your local hospital and community can take to create a sustainable and affordable healthcare system in Vermont.” 

The materials describe this effort by Green Mountain Care Board and Agency of Human Services (prompted by Act 167 of 2022) as, “intentionally planning for change so that Vermont has the best chance at avoiding abrupt hospital closures or service disruptions that negatively impact communities and our system.”  

 The regulators of Vermont healthcare need to hear your voice. They need to hear the importance of access to healthcare in northwestern Vermont (hospital care as well as primary care, specialty care, home healthcare, mental healthcare, long-term care, etc.).  

Northwestern Medical Center is one of the lowest cost hospitals in Vermont. NMC, through the strategic work of our community Board of Directors, is on a path to sustainability. We look forward to welcoming a number of new providers to our medical staff this Summer and Fall. We value our partnerships with other local providers and the business community. We need the regulators to understand the importance of that work and to support its continuation. Please make time to attend the session on July 10. 

More information on this can be found on the Green Mountain Care Board website at: https://gmcboard.vermont.gov/Act-167-Community-Meetings