Melinda White Honored with NMC’s Community Service Award
The Northwestern Medical Center (NMC) Board of Directors recently honored Melinda White as the recipient of NMC’s 2024 Community Service Award in recognition of her devoted service to NMC and our patients.
The award was presented by Board President John Casavant and CEO Peter J. Wright, FACHE.
Melinda was nominated by Emergency Department Director JoAnn Manahan, RN, who has worked with her in the ED in her role as a Recovery Coach, helping people battling substance use disorders.
“Getting to know Melinda has been a pleasure,” said Manahan. “She brings genuine empathy, compassion, extreme knowledge and hope to every patient (client) that she meets,” she said. “She has opened my eyes, and the ED’s eyes, to all that is going on in Franklin County to support those dealing with addiction.”
In addition to her important work in the Emergency Department, Melinda has an impressive resume of community service.
She has served on the Board of Directors for The Turning Point of Franklin County, the Recovery Partners of Vermont, a program of Vermont Association for Mental Health and Addiction Recovery, the Samaritan House Board of Directors and on the Governor’s Opioid Coordination Council.
She also volunteers for the FGI Restorative Justice Center, is currently on the FGI Community Partnership Executive Lead Team, is Secretary for Vermont Alliance for Recovery Residences (VTARR), the CVOEO Advisory Committee, CCBHC Steering Committee, St. Albans Police Advisory Board, and the Vermont Recovery Coach Certification Committee.
Melinda is one of the co-founders for the Substance Use Addiction Summit and created the ‘Recovery Block Party’ in St. Albans. She is the producer and host for Recovery Rockstars – a public access tv show featuring local survivors of drug addiction. She plays piano and sings at Church of the Rock and commits one Sunday per month to the Cambridge Christian Fellowship Church.
The NMC Community Service Award was established by NMC’s Board in 2013 to recognize an individual or organization residing in Franklin or Grand Isle Counties who exhibits enthusiasm, integrity, and perseverance beyond the ordinary to help fellow citizens and the community through selfless giving to improve the overall health of the community. Nominations are taken from NMC’s Board, staff, medical staff, volunteers, and Incorporators. The NMC Board makes the selection from the nominations.
The NMC Community Service Award is presented each year at a meeting of the NMC Incorporators. Recipients are presented with a crystal maple leaf commemorative award and have their name added to a plaque which hangs in the NMC Conference Center. Prior recipients of the NMC Community Services Award include: Dr. Thomas Howrigan; Marcia Perry; Helene Biggie; Dr. Frank & Judy Zsoldos; Retired Rear Admiral Warren and Barbara Hamm; Emerson Lynn; Kathleen Keenan, RN, Pam Cross, RN, Janet McCarthy, RN, Leon Berthiaume and Molly Grismore, RN.