Postural Restoration: A New Approach to Treating Pain

Branon's Pool 248 North Main St., St. Albans, VT, United States

Northwestern Physical Therapy Teams up with Branon's Pool to Present this Program. Carolyn Weber, PT, certified in Postural Restoration, will be introducing this new concept for treating the human body. Postural Restoration (also referred to as PRI) is a holistic, posture-based approach that considers the influence of multiple body systems in managing pain. Learn how […]


How to Manage Hip and Knee Pain and the Role Water Can Play

Branon's Pool 248 North Main St., St. Albans, VT, United States

Northwestern Physical Therapy Teams Up with Northwestern Orthopedics and Branon's Pool to Present This Program. Join us at Branon’s Pool with Northwestern Physical Therapy’s Katie Guerino, PT and Northwestern Orthopedics as they provide an overview of hip and knee pain: When to see a doctor, self- management techniques and an overview of the role the […]


The Role Water Can Play in Managing Low Back Pain

Branon's Pool 248 North Main St., St. Albans, VT, United States

Northwestern Physical Therapy Teams Up with Northwestern Orthopedics and Branon's Pool to Present this Program. Join us at Branon’s Pool with Northwestern Physical Therapy’s Katie Guerino, physical therapist and Northwestern Orthopedics Physician, Simon Shapiro, MD as they provide an overview of low back pain: When to see a doctor, self- management techniques and an overview […]
